Athletic Services

If you would like to include a physiotherapy presentation as part of your next coach's training weekend or have a similar event planned for your association please contact Esperance Physiotherapy.
Sporting associations, as part of the duty of care for participants, require a range of tapes, bandages, ice packs, and other items. These will usually require replacement through the year and restocking at the start of each season.
Tape costs do represent a significant part of a sporting association’s budget. We can assist in the selection of the right products and provide replacements throughout the season, so large one-off purchases are not necessary. Fresh tape is much easier to use and there is no wastage by over-ordering at the end of the sporting season.
In addition to providing professional presentations on all topics relating to sport, Esperance Physiotherapy can provide you with a range of information sheets to be distributed to your members. For example Females in Sport: Injury Prevention is a key topic in the codes of Netball and Aussie Rules Football.