Practice Accreditation - What is it?
To achieve practice accreditation, all the criteria set by our professional organisation, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) need to be met. These standards are regularly updated and in 2009 Esperance Physiotherapy achieved practice accreditation on the first attempt. Every 4 years a practice is reviewed and needs to undergo the re-accreditation process. In 2014 Esperance Physiotherapy commenced this re-accreditation process and was again successfully re-accredited in 2015. There are 146 practices accredited nationally and only 19 in WA.
The accreditation process is administered by Quality Innovation Performance (QIP), a not-for-profit health promotion charity with more than twenty years of experience in community service accreditation and more than ten years experience in primary and secondary health care accreditation and related services. QIP ensures the APA's standards are met in our clinic.
In 2019, we decided to maintain the high standard adopted having been an accredited health clinic over the past 8 years but not to renew the formal external accreditation.
Client FeedBack Survey
You can click on this link and download our Client Feedback Survey.
It can be returned via email, or printed and mailed to us at 5 William Street, Esperance WA 6450 or faxed via 08 90715055.
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback.